Become a Tin Ambassador!

Everyone loves a good deal. Help your friends save money when they shop online! Join the Tin team and be part of the revolution that's changing how consumers engage with their favorite brands!

Spread the word.

Tin is building the future of consumer identity, and we’re starting with savings & loyalty product. Tin ambassadors know the value of a dollar, and can teach new users how to save buku bucks with Tin’s mobile Safari Extension and iOS app.

Build and promote community.

We’re a community of savvy shoppers. Tin Ambassadors are champions of our movement, organizing events and galvanizing others around the seamless and automatic savings Tin provides.

Earn and learn.

As a Tin Ambassador, you’ll earn commission on every new sign-up, and get exclusive swag to make you stand out. You’ll have direct impact on the features we develop and elevate your resume with real-world experience, all while championing a product you believe in.

Want to transform shopping together?
We’re expanding the Tin Ambassador program across US college campuses. Submit your application today!